If you try to take it seriously as a game, you'll find no resolution or graphics tweaks, no controller tweaks. and let's be clear, GameGuru is a completely godawful construction kit. This asset flip is so badly done it's even using the default GameGuru launch screen and 'options' page (although they did add their own crappy wallpaper). It's just a bunch of random GameGuru assets dropped around a really lazy, stock textured GameGuru map template, with a 'maze' theme that really doesn't matter here or there.
They're trying (badly) to pass someone else's work as their own. nothing in this game can really be called the creation of the developer, and yet they also failed to credit GameGuru or acknowlegde any of the GameGuru assets. The 'developer' bought the GameGuru first person shooter construction kit (no coding required, it's just a drag-and-drop GUI!) and cobbled out a map or two using stock GameGuru assets. Warning: GameGuru Asset Flip!Scary Maze is a what Valve calls a 'Fake Game'.