The diversity of designs and shear number of ships fielded will continue to grow as the Federation explores and makes first contact throughout the galaxy.įederation Ship Recognition Manuals Federation ship recognition manuals (FSRM), including reprints of the original manual, printable covers and Master Control Panel (MCP) books. Even as the fleet expands, new enemies abound, new phenomenon are discovered and new colonies are established every year. The fleet itself is comprised of more classes of ships that nearly all of the Federations neighbors combined. With hundreds of colonies and tens of thousands of unexplored and uninhabited systems within it’s boarders, Starfleet is tasked with exploring and defending a massive swath of the Alpha and Beta quadrants. Since Bill Krauses Sentinel is the ship that got me restarted in. Its been over a year since I started making unoffficial stat sheets for the classic FASA game and I decided it was time that I combined some of the fan ships into a themed single download for ease of use. With over 150 members and nearly 8000 affiliates, the Federation encompasses hundreds of light-years of space. SHIELDS UP Unofficial TOS Ship Recognition Manual. No other single government or space faring race has nearly as large a fleet as the United Federation of Planets. «Last Updated on Novem» United Federation of Planets Star Fleet Command